The Yog School

Based on Classical Hatha Yoga

The Yog School is established in 2016 and is devoted to presenting the ancient classical hatha yoga path. The Yog School is adhering to  the core Classical Hatha Yoga practices of Isha Foundation in ways that are understandable and beneficial without compromising quality or depth. Isha Hatha Yoga practices are an unparalleled opportunity to learn practices derived from a yogic tradition maintained in its full purity and vibrancy for thousands of years.  The goal of our sadhana or practices is understanding the mechanics of the body, creating a certain atmosphere, and then using body postures to drive your energy in specific directions, this helps in getting the highest Joy that comes from the realization in direct experience of the centre of consciousness. The Yog School embodies the meaning of the word “Yoga” in its traditional meaning of realizing the union of the individual and the universal, rather than the revisionist meaning of Yoga as a physical fitness program.

Different Hatha Yoga Program are taught by The Yog School, These practices have been designed by Sadhguru to develop mental clarity and focus, boost vigor and vitality, balance hormonal levels and take years off the body, bringing a sense of lightness and freedom.

Classical Hatha Yoga Program of The Yog School


Yogasanas are a way of aligning in the inner system and adjusting it to the celestial geometry, becoming in sync with the existence.


Angamardana strengthens the spine, builds physical strength, fitness and tenacity, taking years off the body. Designed by Sadhguru, Isha Angamardana needs no fitness equipment. It involves only the body and floor exercises that can be practiced anywhere, even during travel.

Surya Kriya

Surya Kriya is a potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health and inner wellbeing.

Surya Shakti

Surya Shakti is to energize the system to a different dimension. This 18-step process helps to strengthen the ligaments that hold the skeletal and muscular structure together.

Bhuta Shuddhi

Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the elements,” and is a process of purifying the 5 elements within the human system.

About The School

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Yoga Classes to help your little ones become more happy and joyful, increase their focus and above all make them capable and conscious to take on the world.

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